What Is Court Ordered Rehab and Who Is It For?

Published On: August 1, 2024|Categories: Addiction Treatment|698 words|3.5 min read|
Close-up Of Male Judge In Front Of Mallet Holding Documents

Being under the influence of drugs and alcohol can cause people to do things they would not normally do – including committing crimes like theft, trespassing, driving under the influence and the like.

When these crimes are nonviolent, the court may assign rehab for the individual instead of in conjunction with prison time. This is known as court-ordered rehab. It gives these individuals the chance to recover from their addiction while being supervised by the court to ensure follow-through and rehab completion.

Court-ordered drug and alcohol rehab

Crimes committed under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol will appear before the court. Still, depending on specific criteria, the judge may opt to order rehab instead of sending the individual to jail, giving them a healthy chance to pursue recovery in the environment of a treatment center instead of a prison.

When the court orders rehab, the individual must follow through and see treatment to the end, adhering to deadlines and court-ordered instructions. Otherwise, they may be ordered to complete time in jail due to dropping from treatment.

Before assigning court-ordered rehab, the court will take into consideration and mandate some of the following criteria to ensure rehab is the right option for specific candidates, including:

  • Making sure the candidate is a good fit for the rehab program based on their values and motivation to attend a rehab program
  • Examining the needs, as well as the potential risks of the candidate
  • Ordering routine drug testing to ensure compliance
  • Requiring check-ins with the court to ensure proper supervision
  • Offering incentives to help promote attendance
  • Ensure after-care and continued support once in the rehab facility have been completed

If the candidate shows willingness to comply with these stipulations, the court will consider the candidate themself to determine whether or not they would be a good fit for a court-appointed rehab program.

Who is a good candidate for court-ordered rehab?

Not everyone will be eligible for court-ordered rehab, and the court considers this when assigning rehab. The court looks at specific criteria and aspects of both the crime and the individual to determine whether court-ordered rehab would benefit them, including:

  • The crime must be drug-related but non-violent in nature
  • The crime must have been committed within the jurisdiction of the court, and the candidate must not have pending crimes under the jurisdiction of any other court
  • Drug trafficking, sexual assault and domestic violence crimes have not been committed by the candidate and are not involved with the current case
  • The candidate must not be at high risk of repeating the crime
  • They must not be romantically involved with another participant
  • They may not have a mental health issue that would impede treatment/that could not be addressed and managed in treatment

If the candidate meets these qualifications and shows enthusiasm and willingness to partake in rehab, then the court is more likely to move forward with ordering it for the right individual.

Who pays for court-ordered rehab?

If the court orders rehab, the question is often, “Who is going to pay for that?” Most often, the defendant—the one who is to attend rehab—is responsible for covering the costs of treatment.

While this can feel intimidating, as addiction treatment can become very expensive depending on the length of one’s stay, there are ways in which the facility can help with the costs. This may include a payment plan, acceptance of Medicaid or insurance and/or a cost of treatment based on one’s income.

Additionally, the best treatment facilities offer help with employment opportunities, including resume building, continued education, and aftercare support, to promote recovery and allow individuals to gain a firm foundation in life after treatment.

Are you looking for a treatment center in WV?

If you have been assigned court-ordered rehab in West Virginia, you are most likely in control of where you go. Pyramid Healthcare offers numerous treatment programs at various facilities, including West Virginia, to help men and women pursue and sustain recovery.

To learn more about our Kearneysville and Martinsburg locations, contact Pyramid Healthcare at 888-461-7426. We look forward to helping you with this new chapter of life as you pursue the freedom of recovery.

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