Top 4 Signs You Need Residential Treatment for A Cocaine or Meth Addiction

Published On: July 19, 2023|Categories: Mental Health Treatment|942 words|4.7 min read|

If you’re wondering if you need professional help, there’s never a wrong time to reach out for their services.

Deciding to seek professional help is a yes or no decision but rarely feels that simple, and the steps following that decision aren’t always straightforward either. People worry about the time commitment and price, and most aren’t exactly sure what to look for in a rehabilitation program, let alone how to find the right one for themselves.

One of the most well-known and successful forms of treatment for those struggling with a substance use disorder or addiction is residential treatment.

In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at various levels of cocaine and meth addictions and discuss the top four signs that demonstrate it’s time for you to seek residential treatment.

Cocaine addiction: a brief overview

Cocaine, commonly referred to as coke (or crack, when in crystal form), is an extremely potent stimulant drug with a very high potential for addiction in its users.

Responsible for over 20 percent of all overdose deaths, cocaine is considered one of the deadliest drugs in the world.

Even so, recovery is always possible. There are several different approaches one can take to cocaine addiction treatment, one of the best forms being residential treatment.

Methamphetamine addiction: a brief overview

Methamphetamine, or, more commonly referred to as meth, is another highly potent and addictive stimulant drug also recognized to have a strong potential for addiction.

Because meth directly impacts the nervous system and brain chemistry, studies show that long-term use can lead to erratic and violent behavior and the development of various nervous disorders (like Parkinson’s).

When it comes to methamphetamine addiction treatment, one of the most successful rehabilitative options is residential treatment.

What is residential treatment?

Residential treatment is an addiction treatment program where the individual lives full-time at the facility for the entire duration of the program. Residential treatment can also be referred to as residential rehab, inpatient treatment or inpatient rehab. 

The types of treatment offered at each residential facility will vary slightly, just as each program will be slightly tailored to meet the unique needs of each individual client. There are some consistent elements of residential treatment though, such as 24/7 care, fully structured schedules and access to a wide variety of resources and support.

Residential treatment isn’t for everyone though. 

Those who are experiencing milder disorders — like substance misuse or abuse, but not quite addiction — may benefit more sufficiently from outpatient treatment than residential.

When is it time to seek residential treatment?

So you have a better idea of what residential treatment is; now you might be wondering how to figure out if that’s the best option to help you regain your health.

Here are the top four signs it’s time to consider residential treatment.

1. Other forms of treatment were ineffective

Some people believe that rehabilitation as a whole is ineffective because they tried one or several different kinds of treatment, and none of them “worked.” More often than not, this is because the types of treatments tried were not the best fit for the individual at that point in their journey. 

Cocaine and meth are dangerous drugs, and these addictions generally always require a high level of medical supervision and support in order to be overcome. If an individual struggling with a meth addiction attempted to solve the disorder by simply attending talk therapy, chances are the therapy would be less effective than that of a medically supervised detox or 24-hour supervision.

2. Your substance use has gotten worse

Though using cocaine and meth is never something to be taken lightly because of the heavy risk it always carries, there is a point in substance use where using becomes abuse.

If your use has progressed to a serious level where you are heavily dependent on the drug and find yourself regularly turning to or using it to cope with life’s pains and challenges, as well as experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you stop using.

3. You’re using despite the hurting

Continued drug use often leads to negative consequences in one’s life, not only in the sense of their physical and mental health but also in their jobs and relationships, finances and more.

If you’re experiencing a domino effect of problems in your life that you’re having trouble identifying the source of, they might be rooted in an addiction you’re not yet aware of.

4. You can’t quit

Maybe your substance abuse was starting to affect your work, or a loved one started getting a little too suspicious. You might have decided to stop using it for a few days or a week — but couldn’t.

If you’ve experienced multiple unsuccessful attempts at substance abstinence or found yourself compulsively using the drug, addiction may have developed. In most cases, an addiction to cocaine and meth requires professional help in order to be overcome.

If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, reach out to us for answers.

Take the first step today

Pyramid Healthcare is a leader in client-focused, behavioral healthcare, specializing in providing personalized treatment for your individual health and various needs.

We offer a variety of substance use and mental health treatment programs to help adults in all walks of life overcome various issues. From medication-assisted treatment to holistic treatments, our medical staff works closely with you from day one to tailor the best treatment plan for your needs.

When you’re ready to begin, we’re ready to help. Send us a message or give us a call today to get started.

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