• 10 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Recovery Month This Year

    838 words|4.2 min read|

    National Recovery Month (September) is a time for celebrating not only your personal progress, but the progress of everyone else in the recovery community, [...]

  • What to Expect in Alcohol Recovery Versus Drug Recovery

    829 words|4.1 min read|

    Addiction is a complex psychological disorder that is characterized by the compulsive and uncontrollable use of a substance despite chronic adverse consequences. Being a [...]

  • How a Community Liaison Officer Can Help Your Recovery

    770 words|3.9 min read|

    When you seek help for a drug or alcohol addiction, one of the first faces you see may be a community liaison officer. If [...]

  • 4 Money Management Tips for Addiction Recovery

    796 words|4 min read|

    In your initial stages of recovery, you might have heard a lot about emotions, self-awareness, maybe even about some sort of spirituality — and truly, [...]

  • Focused black woman using laptop at table. Concept of modern woman. Female soldier wear camouflage uniform. After war rehabilitation. Blurred background of little boy. Interior of modern apartment

    Overcoming Obstacles to Alcohol Sobriety as a Veteran

    711 words|3.6 min read|

    Military veterans face enormous obstacles in returning to civilian society. The pressure of training, the trauma of combat, separation from family and readjusting back to [...]

  • Young happy woman holding hand of senior man with both palms, shaking hands. Clouds in background

    The Science Behind Gratitude: The Evidence of Thankfulness and How to Get Started

    948 words|4.7 min read|

    Being thankful isn’t just something to practice around the holidays. Gratitude is the art of appreciating all life has to offer, and it doesn’t just [...]

  • Young woman sitting in lotus position on exercise mat with her eyes closed and meditating in the living room

    Why You Shouldn’t Wait Another Minute to Start Self-Care

    823 words|4.1 min read|

    Self-care gets a bad reputation. Some people feel that self-care insinuates unnecessary indulgences or is simply a justification for expensive hobbies. Self-care at its core [...]

  • Happy friends holding each other

    Your Best Shot at Recovery: Committing to All Levels of Care

    786 words|3.9 min read|

    Just because detox is over doesn’t mean your recovery is guaranteed. While making it through the withdrawal process is surely a feat to be proud [...]

  • Happy black man breathing deeply fresh air in a park with a green tree in the background a sunny day

    How Do I Know When I’ve Reached Sobriety?

    728 words|3.6 min read|

    What is sobriety? In order to define sobriety, it is important to discuss the events that precede sobriety. Substance addiction can be devastating and detrimental [...]

  • Group of Women Socialize Teamwork Happiness Concept

    A Supportive Home for Recovering Women

    838 words|4.2 min read|

    A halfway house offers a step between leaving addiction treatment and entering fully back into everyday life. It’s a place where one can be surrounded [...]

  • How To Begin Regaining Control Over Your Life

    883 words|4.4 min read|

    Life under the influence of opioid addiction is not only exhausting, it’s unhealthy and all-encompassing. It bleeds into other parts of life until everything – [...]

  • Small Life Changes to Reduce Relapse and Withdrawal Symptoms

    853 words|4.3 min read|

    Addiction is difficult to deal with; it preys on the mind and rewires the brain in such a way that it can leave an individual [...]

  • Recovery Can Help Restart Your Life For The Better

    866 words|4.3 min read|

    Have you ever persevered through something incredibly difficult to find the end product not only vastly rewarding but unbelievably important in your own personal growth? [...]

  • Portrait Of Smiling Family Relaxing On Seat At Home

    How Can Families Recover Together?

    777 words|3.9 min read|

    When one member of the family suffers, that pain often reverberates throughout the entire family. Whether your loved one is facing addiction or mental health [...]

  • Middle aged woman sitting in front of her computer on a video call

    The Nutritional Supplements You’ll Want to Take Advantage of For Your Detox

    888 words|4.4 min read|

    Detox can mean a lot of things these days. Juice cleanses for gut health and skin detoxifications seems to be all the rage. Detox, after [...]

  • Elderly woman receiving food from a soup kitchen during the pandemic

    Community Outreach, an Ally in Substance Use Recovery

    822 words|4.1 min read|

    Stopping a bad habit is as simple - and as difficult - as practicing an opposite productive habit. That may sound wildly oversimplified, and [...]