10 Fun Ways to Celebrate National Recovery Month This Year
838 words|4.2 min read|National Recovery Month (September) is a time for celebrating not only your personal progress, but the progress of everyone else in the recovery community, [...]
What to Expect in Alcohol Recovery Versus Drug Recovery
829 words|4.1 min read|Addiction is a complex psychological disorder that is characterized by the compulsive and uncontrollable use of a substance despite chronic adverse consequences. Being a [...]
How a Community Liaison Officer Can Help Your Recovery
770 words|3.9 min read|When you seek help for a drug or alcohol addiction, one of the first faces you see may be a community liaison officer. If [...]
4 Money Management Tips for Addiction Recovery
796 words|4 min read|In your initial stages of recovery, you might have heard a lot about emotions, self-awareness, maybe even about some sort of spirituality — and truly, [...]
Overcoming Obstacles to Alcohol Sobriety as a Veteran
711 words|3.6 min read|Military veterans face enormous obstacles in returning to civilian society. The pressure of training, the trauma of combat, separation from family and readjusting back to [...]
The Science Behind Gratitude: The Evidence of Thankfulness and How to Get Started
948 words|4.7 min read|Being thankful isn’t just something to practice around the holidays. Gratitude is the art of appreciating all life has to offer, and it doesn’t just [...]
Why You Shouldn’t Wait Another Minute to Start Self-Care
823 words|4.1 min read|Self-care gets a bad reputation. Some people feel that self-care insinuates unnecessary indulgences or is simply a justification for expensive hobbies. Self-care at its core [...]
Your Best Shot at Recovery: Committing to All Levels of Care
786 words|3.9 min read|Just because detox is over doesn’t mean your recovery is guaranteed. While making it through the withdrawal process is surely a feat to be proud [...]
How Do I Know When I’ve Reached Sobriety?
728 words|3.6 min read|What is sobriety? In order to define sobriety, it is important to discuss the events that precede sobriety. Substance addiction can be devastating and detrimental [...]
A Supportive Home for Recovering Women
838 words|4.2 min read|A halfway house offers a step between leaving addiction treatment and entering fully back into everyday life. It’s a place where one can be surrounded [...]
How To Begin Regaining Control Over Your Life
883 words|4.4 min read|Life under the influence of opioid addiction is not only exhausting, it’s unhealthy and all-encompassing. It bleeds into other parts of life until everything – [...]
Small Life Changes to Reduce Relapse and Withdrawal Symptoms
853 words|4.3 min read|Addiction is difficult to deal with; it preys on the mind and rewires the brain in such a way that it can leave an individual [...]
Recovery Can Help Restart Your Life For The Better
866 words|4.3 min read|Have you ever persevered through something incredibly difficult to find the end product not only vastly rewarding but unbelievably important in your own personal growth? [...]
How Can Families Recover Together?
777 words|3.9 min read|When one member of the family suffers, that pain often reverberates throughout the entire family. Whether your loved one is facing addiction or mental health [...]
The Nutritional Supplements You’ll Want to Take Advantage of For Your Detox
888 words|4.4 min read|Detox can mean a lot of things these days. Juice cleanses for gut health and skin detoxifications seems to be all the rage. Detox, after [...]
Community Outreach, an Ally in Substance Use Recovery
822 words|4.1 min read|Stopping a bad habit is as simple - and as difficult - as practicing an opposite productive habit. That may sound wildly oversimplified, and [...]