• Access to Vivitrol in Pennsylvania

    Access to Vivitrol in Pennsylvania

    567 words|2.9 min read|

    Vivitrol is a medication used in addiction treatment to prevent relapse. Learn about the benefits of Vivitrol and where it can be obtained in Pennsylvania.

  • Client Placement Criteria

    Pennsylvania’s Client Placement Criteria vs. the ASAM

    518 words|2.6 min read|

    Deaths from drug overdose reached an all-time high in 2015. Such deaths have been increasing steadily over the last two decades, but the increase in [...]

  • negative emotions

    The Importance of Medical Detox During Withdrawal

    733 words|3.7 min read|

    The decision to fight an addiction to drugs or alcohol is complex and often intimidating or frightening; however, it’s also something to be celebrated as [...]

  • teen treatment: parenting the new adolescent

    Teen Treatment: Parenting the “New” Adolescent

    711 words|3.6 min read|

    Today’s adolescents are presenting as more challenging than ever before. They are surrounded with all sorts of stimulation and choices. Illegal drugs are easily [...]

  • addiction detox process

    What Are the Benefits of Detox?

    742 words|3.7 min read|

    Recovering from drugs and alcohol addiction is a journey, and each day will be unique. Each stage in the process will require different care, and [...]

  • Can Mental Health Screenings Prevent Addiction?

    727 words|3.6 min read|

    It is not uncommon for a person suffering from a mental illness to develop a substance use disorder; in fact, they are at a higher [...]

  • virtual reality and addiction

    A Closer Look at the Emerging Virtual Reality and Addiction Treatment

    802 words|4 min read|

    Researchers are always working to find the most effective method of treating addiction. Beginning with striving to learn as much as possible regarding addiction, addictive [...]

  • Father and Son

    Rebuilding Family Relationships During and After Treatment

    788 words|3.9 min read|

    It can be difficult for parents to know how to support their adult child going through the recovery process. You, as the parent, may experience [...]

  • Racing Thoughts

    Trauma-Informed Care: Helping Recovery Through Empathy

    621 words|3.1 min read|

    To effectively treat a physical or mental health disorder, it’s important for health care providers to know the history and situations that a person has [...]

  • Middle aged woman sitting in front of her computer on a video call

    Therapy for Depression over the Phone

    317 words|1.6 min read|

    We have known for some time that therapy is a very effective tool for people struggling with depression. We also know that people with a [...]

  • Abused teen with a black eye sitting in his doctors office with headphones on while his therapist/psychiatrist observes him

    Positive Benefits of Professional Counseling – Too Many for One Post!

    498 words|2.5 min read|

    Many of us may have experienced the relief of getting something “off our chest” with a trusted confidante. We may also have experienced the disappointment—an [...]