• Recovery written on desert road

    ASAM Levels of Care for Pyramid Healthcare – Maryland: Q&A With Dominic Barone, VP of Operations

    1035 words|5.2 min read|

    1. What ASAM levels of care are offered at our Maryland Facilities? Harford – 3.7WM, 3.7, 3.5 (Male and Female) Charlotte Hall –  3.7WM, [...]

  • Grunge map of the state of Maryland (USA) with its flag printed within its border on an old paper.

    Inpatient and Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment in Maryland

    777 words|3.9 min read|

    Whether you’re in Harford County or St. Mary’s County, if you’re a resident of Maryland looking for substance use disorder treatment, you want to [...]

  • Treating Comorbid Major Depressive Disorder and Addiction

    733 words|3.7 min read|

    It’s not uncommon to struggle with mental health and addiction at the same time. In fact, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that around [...]

  • Getting the Most from Your Visits with an Addiction Psychiatrist

    842 words|4.2 min read|

    There’s a common misconception regarding addiction recovery that treatment consists exclusively of meetings with a therapist. While one-on-one or group therapy will make up the [...]

  • Can Many Benefit from MRT Programs?

    715 words|3.6 min read|

    Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a method of therapeutic treatment which traditionally targeted individuals within the criminal justice system for the sake of increasing [...]

  • A Step-by-Step Guide to Marijuana Addiction Treatment

    905 words|4.5 min read|

    As more and more states legalize both the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana, concerns about the possibility of addiction and overdose continue to rise [...]

  • What Prescription Drug Addiction Rehab Is Really Like

    875 words|4.4 min read|

    Sometimes what started out as a simple prescription to help you sleep better can turn into an addiction; maybe the dose they prescribed wasn’t working [...]

  • Do I Need Detox or Can I Recover on My Own?

    819 words|4.1 min read|

    There comes a point in an addiction where there is a big shift in control. While some people may feel they are still able to [...]

  • Answering the Burning Question: Which Level of Treatment Do I Need?

    781 words|3.9 min read|

    Making the decision to start treatment is a big and courageous step, especially if you’ve never entered a rehab program before. Once you’re ready [...]

  • Close up of happy millennial Caucasian man look in distance thinking or dreaming of career perspectives. Smiling young male pondering planning or visualizing. Business vision, success concept.

    The Importance of Drug Detox for Your Body’s Health

    722 words|3.6 min read|

    One of the initial steps in overcoming addiction is enrolling in a drug detox program. While detox can be intimidating for a number of reasons, [...]

  • The hands in blue glove of the scientist hold the processor

    What is Sublocade?

    757 words|3.8 min read|

    Breaking a drug addiction is a mental and physical battle that can seem impossible to win. Sometimes, a rehab program on its own isn’t enough [...]

  • Silhouette of a man raising his arms in twilight sky background - success, winning & accomplished concepts

    Barriers to Rehab: Why Overcoming Obstacles to Treatment is Worth It

    1105 words|5.5 min read|

    Whether you think of rehab with anxiety or indifference, there are plenty of reasons we tell ourselves it’s not worth it. Even if you agree [...]

  • 5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Address Your Addiction

    681 words|3.4 min read|

    Navigating how to address opioid addiction can be challenging and confusing, and it’s tough to know where to begin. The steps outlined here can provide [...]

  • What is Medication Management?

    964 words|4.8 min read|

    Overcoming mental health obstacles is a journey. There are endless treatment modalities, frameworks of practice and accommodations for diverse needs. Services look different for everyone, [...]

  • For the Best Quality Treatment, Look for a CARF Accredited Provider

    705 words|3.5 min read|

    When searching for a mental health counseling or addiction treatment provider, no matter what you want to make sure the center is accredited. What is [...]

  • The Strategies, Effectiveness and Differences in Family Counseling and Family Intervention

    842 words|4.2 min read|

    Situations which affect a family unit can be devastating and over-arching. Frequently, the conflict or problem, such as a mental health issue or a situation [...]