Mental Health and the LGBTQ+ Community
752 words|3.8 min read|Members of the LGBTQ+ community face unique socioeconomic and cultural challenges that can put them at a higher risk of developing mental health issues, [...]
The Dangers of Fentanyl Abuse
787 words|3.9 min read|Fentanyl abuse has spiked in recent decades, leading to an increase in overdoses and deaths. This synthetic opioid, which is meant to be used [...]
The Importance of Life Skills: A Q&A with Sean Rhodes, Life Skills Specialist at Pyramid Healthcare Altoona Detox & Residential Treatment Center
2419 words|12.1 min read|What type of life skills are important to teach to those in recovery? There's a plethora of different things that we teach. [...]
How to Help Your Loved One Avoid Substance Abuse
760 words|3.8 min read|So you’re out to dinner with some friends and family, and notice one of your loved ones is ordering their third drink — while [...]
Common Stigmas in Mental Health and How to Increase Awareness
773 words|3.9 min read|The way other people perceive us is important. Not only does it help us assess our own actions and behaviors, but it can guide [...]
Mood Disorders: Types, Causes and Symptoms
793 words|4 min read|Do you experience a constant, underlying feeling of sadness? Maybe you feel tired all day long; the kind of tiredness that doesn’t go away, [...]
Identifying Your Major Depressive Disorder Symptoms
899 words|4.5 min read|Everyone experiences bouts of sadness, especially in response to tragedy, loneliness, stress, disappointment and the like. Experiencing sorrow in response to life’s difficult events [...]
A Closer Look at How Nutrition Affects Mental Health
667 words|3.3 min read|Practicing positive self-talk, repeating affirmations, learning self-love, these are some of the most commonly thought of practices when it comes to ways to improve [...]
Why Your Nutrition is Key to Long-Term Recovery
875 words|4.4 min read|“Food is thy medicine,” said Hippocrates, the ancient physician universally referred to as the father of medicine. If this statement was true thousands of [...]
Anxiety Disorder in Veterans
905 words|4.5 min read|A 2013 study found that approximately 12 percent of veterans are diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, which is 4-to-6 times higher than the general population. [...]
Xylazine: What It is and How It Affects Humans
665 words|3.3 min read|Overdoses are one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and now a new threat is rising fast: an animal tranquilizer [...]
The Different Ways Trauma Affects Our Lives
720 words|3.6 min read|Trauma affects different people in many different ways. What might be a traumatic event for one individual might not be that intense of an [...]