Benefits of the Detox Program at Pyramid Healthcare

Published On: October 24, 2020|Categories: Addiction Treatment|567 words|2.8 min read|

Elevated Level of Care for Patients on the Path to Recovery


Those who struggle with addiction have likely heard the age-old adage, “Just quit,” but oftentimes it’s not that simple. Quitting an addiction cold turkey tends to result in uncomfortable symptoms, encouraging relapse and keeping the individual in a toxic cycle of addiction. A detox program will help patients through that period and get them started on the path to health and success. For someone struggling with addiction, the benefits they experience by attending a detox program can be life-altering. Patients can benefit from a detox program in the following ways:

  • It can be a powerful step on the road to a successful addiction treatment.

When patients enter a detox program, they are able to rid their body of harmful toxins. This allows them to take the energy that they had previously spent using and channel it into their own healing. Patients are given a chance to adjust their mindset and prepare to make healthy lifestyle changes.

  • A medically-assisted detox can be a source of relief from painful withdrawal symptoms.

The detox facility’s team will carefully monitor the progression of symptoms and provide guidance and relief when the detox becomes painful. Each patient’s needs will be different, and treatment should be tailored to each accordingly.

  • A medically-assisted detox can prevent dangerous and life-threatening symptoms.

Withdrawal can be uncomfortable and can trap users in the cycle of addiction. Not only that, it can also be life-threatening and result in dangerous episodes. Recovering from addiction is difficult, and the goal of detox treatment is to make the process as smooth as possible while minimizing the risk of relapse.

  • Gaining insight into the patient’s addictive tendencies will help uncover the root of the addiction.

By understanding where their addiction comes from, patients will be able to approach their illness with understanding and move forward with their lives in a healthier way. A detox team will learn about the patient’s medical history and their general background. By doing this, they can gain some insight into the root cause of a patient’s addiction so they can be provided with the necessary tools for a long-lasting recovery.

  • They will have access to a transitional plan that will begin their journey of drug-free living.

No matter what kind of addiction the patient is battling with, or how they came to enter treatment, the process of seeking help is no small battle. Addiction is an illness just like any other and should be treated as such.


The compassionate team at Pyramid Healthcare is dedicated to equipping patients with the tools they need to turn their recovery into a lifelong journey. Our mission is to contribute to the well-being of the communities we serve with a comprehensive array of trauma-informed behavioral health and recovery support systems, and our detox program is one of the ways we are able to do that. Patients who are seeking support as they strive to achieve greater wellness can access the tools they need to succeed long-term through our supportive environment. We are honored to help our patients as they navigate their journey towards a drug-free, fulfilling life.

If you or a loved one needs assistance recovering from addiction, call our team today at (301) 997-1300 or contact us online.


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