Recovery Podcasts to Help You Along Your Journey

Published On: June 9, 2015|Categories: Recovery|726 words|3.6 min read|
Music, Headphones, Listening.

Over the recent years, podcasts have grown in popularity as radio has transitioned into the online sphere and become much more accessible through streaming devices. Plus, with these new online radio shows, you can be selective about what you listen to, instead of listening to whatever it is the radio is playing. Whether you have interests in a certain TV show, biographies or the Ancient Greeks, there’s a podcast for that.

And, of course, there are countless helpful and informative podcasts focused on addiction recovery. Many of these podcasts touch on the same subjects— addiction, relapse and the valuable lessons that can be learned on the journey to recovery. Plus, each podcast presents its message in a unique way, through celebrity guests or personal anecdotes, so you’re sure to find one that’s both helpful and relatable.

Not to mention that fact that several of these podcasts have also fostered online communities where people can share their recovery stories and find inspiration, advice and hope.

Best Recovery Podcasts

A simple search for recovery podcasts will present you with a massive selection. But instead of spending hours researching the best, the highest recommended or the most informative, we’d like to save you some time and offer a few of the ones we find most beneficial and interesting.

That Sober Guy

Host Shane, a recovering alcoholic, interviews a mix of celebrity guests and everyday people who have experienced addiction and/or felt the impact of drug and/or alcohol use. He focuses on living a positive, healthy and sober lifestyle, and uses his podcast as a platform for sharing inspiration with others who want to live the same way. Listen to the latest episodes from That Sober Guy.



RecoveryPeople, a Texas-based state network, connects people in recovery from substance use disorder (and other mental health illnesses) to their peers and allies across agencies, communities and fellowships. Their podcast series is produced by people in recovery and was first broadcast in 2012. RecoveryPeople covers a wide range of recovery-based topics for a variety of populations, ensuring everyone can gain useful information from their testimonies.

The Bubble Hour

Co-hosted by four sober women, the Bubble Hour presents stories, interviews and conversations designed to give listeners a sense of community. They also work to break down the stigmas associated with alcoholism and addiction, like the common assumption that substance use is a choice. Their ultimate mission is to inform and educate, while encouraging people to seek help without feeling isolated or ashamed.


AfterPartyPod is the weekly podcast of the AfterParty Magazine. Its main goal is highlighting a wide variety of figures in the entertainment industry – musicians, actors, comedians and writers – who have experienced addiction, sobriety, recovery and/or mental illness of some form. Notable past guests include Dr. Drew and Moby.

Recovery Radio

Recovery Radio broadcasts live every Saturday, but is also available to be downloaded online after it streams live. In fact, Recovery Radio is one of the station’s most downloaded radio programs. This weekly podcast focuses on addiction, treatment and recovery, and features a rotating panel of addiction and mental health experts with a variety of specialties.

Clean and Sober Radio

Clean and Sober Radio is “devoted to exploring the disease of addiction and the many paths to recovery” with a special focus on the truth that recovery is possible and help is available. The show features real stories about people who battled addiction and journey towards recovery. Additionally, our partner High Focus Centers is proud to be one of the show’s partners, with regular appearances from Rehab After Work employees on the program. 

Recovery podcasts to supplement recovery

Obviously, recovery podcasts do not stand in place of addiction therapy or substance use treatment. However, routinely listening to these podcasts in addition to therapy or as added education during recovery can provide many benefits. You might find comfort in knowing you’re not alone in your journey, you might resonate with and find inspiration from the testimony of another or you might just want to gain more information on the topic overall. 

No matter your reason, we hope you find episodes that inspire and offer support during your journey. 

If you do need additional support or are interested in treatment options for addiction recovery, our staff is here to help. Call Pyramid Healthcare anytime at 888-694-9996.




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